Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day One: The Key of Kilenya Contest

Welcome to Day One of The Key of Kilenya Contest!!
I'll keep this short and simple - for both of us. :-) For information, prizes, rules about the contest, go here.

The number in parenthesis after the items listed below is the number of entries you'll get for completing that task.

And here are those tasks!

Questions (if answered incorrectly, the entries won't count):
Other Entry Options:
  • Fan me on Wattpad! (1)
  • If you don't have a Wattpad account, create one! You'll find a TON of awesome books to read! And, if you're a writer, you should already be there. :-) (2)
  • Vote for Chapter One of The Key of Kilenya (1)
  • "Like" Chapter One of The Key of Kilenya (1)
And that's all! If you'd already done the above things, let me know, and I'll give you those entries.
    Don't forget to send me an email (ap AT andreapearsonbooks DOT com) telling me the answers to the above questions and which of the other entries you completed!

    Oh, and don't forget to use the same email address for each entry, and to give me a name (Wattpad user name works) to attribute the entries to. :-)

    1 comment:

    1. I've done all the entries and I'm sending you the email now with all the info and answers on it. Thanks! :)
