Sunday, June 6, 2010

Author Interviews!

I'm so OCD, it kills me. I have to have a nice, organized place to put all of my author interviews (of me and mine of others). Silly me. :-)

Interviews I conducted:
Daron Fraley
Don Carey
Krista Lynne Jensen

Interviews of me:
Matthew Shields
LDS Women's Book Review
Aaron Polson
Daron Fraley
Krista Lynne Jensen
Don Carey
Literary Works in the Works
The Literary Soundtrack


  1. Organization is great! Cool links...

  2. Organization is so important in my life. If things are not organized I feel a little crazy until things get squared away.

  3. This makes me laugh because I recently started sending real, pen on paper letters to friends and family. Naturally I had to write a list of who I'd mailed what to. It's a very happy-making thing, list making.

  4. This is great andrea. I enjoyed reading the interview of you. So exciting.

  5. Organization is a wonderful thing! And congrats on your interviews, how awesome!
