Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Writing Prompt: Point of View, etc.

Today's prompt deals with point of view. The rules regarding POV aren't breakable: once you choose to be in a certain character's head, it's not acceptable to change until you've started a new chapter. The only other time you're "allowed" to switch to another person's POV is when using a "section end designation" like this (or something similar. In The Key of Kilenya, we used cute, little keys:-)):


The concept behind point of view issues isn't difficult for many of us, but sometimes things still slip through.

Today's Challenge:
Write a short scene (poetry, fiction, etc.), using one of the examples below, and make sure you stick only to the thoughts of the main character. For bonus points, write the scene twice - the second time from the head of the other person. :-) (You don't have to if you're aren't inclined to do so.)

Here are some examples you can choose from:
  • Tom and Will are disgruntled neighbors. One morning, Tom knocks on Will's door and threatens to kill Will's dog if it breaks into his yard and chases his chickens one more time.
  • Sarah can't wait to meet Jeff tonight. She's been single for so long, and has a feeling he's Mr. Right. Her friend, Brittany, disagrees.
  • Seth and Kirk have had a long-standing competition where their trucks are concerned. Seth says to Kirk, "Where were you last night at 10:00pm? Someone broke into my truck again."
  • Mark and Stacy are discussing Mark's desire to pick up four-wheeling. Stacy's dad was killed in a four-wheeling accident a few months earlier.
  • Jessica and Chris were engaged for a year when Chris broke off the engagement. Three months later, he calls her up, asking if they can get back together.
If you don't like any of the above, please feel free to create your own. :-) Here are the parameters I want you to stick to:

  • Get into the thoughts of the person you choose. Don't let the dialog alone carry the scene.
  • Don't have more than two characters.
  • Take the scene where you want it to go.
  • Keep it short - three or four paragraphs (or up to eight lines of dialog with thoughts interspersed)
Keep up the hard work with writing, and good luck! Go ahead and post a link to your response below.

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