CHANGE: I've decided to showcase illustrators and artists as well. Follow the instructions below and I'll attach you to one of the days!
I'm doing a really fun promotion on my blog leading up to Halloween, mainly to help advertise the release of three new novelettes in my Katon University series. (Teen horror: Whistle, and I'll Come, Britnell Manor, and The Music of Anna Morse.) I'm super excited!
Here's how it's going to go:
Each day, or a few days a week (depending on how many people respond), I'll feature a Halloween-themed book, novella, short story, etc., on my blog, along with a very short interview of the author (short as in two questions with their answers).
What do I mean by Halloween themed? Anything and everything that can be thought of as Halloweenish! This would include horror, scary books, vampires, ghosts, witches, zombies, ghouls, monsters, spooky things, etc. If you are wondering if your book would work, shoot me an email. Romance would be fine, but there has to be some scariness in the story, brought on by the "Halloween theme." Halloween-type comedies are also fine.
Note: Your book doesn't have to happen around Halloween time. If it does, that's great! If it doesn't, that's perfectly fine too.
Right now, I'm putting a cap on how many books an author can submit - just two, which will be featured on separate days. I'll email participating authors if that goes up to three. Also, if I have a lot of responses, I'll probably feature two books (from separate authors) a day, in the same post. Which would be great for you - you'd overlap with another author and their promotions. :-)
If you're interested, send me an email with all of the following for each book (if you don't include something, I'll just ask you where it is, so include it the first time):
1. Cover for your book - a good-quality one (send it to me in an attachment - don't make me go searching for it. ;-) I use Linux, so don't have to worry about viruses. If I have problems with the download, though, I'll let you know)
2. Blurb for the book (no more than 100 words. I'll ask authors to shorten as needed)
3. Purchase links (Kindle, Nook, Smashwords, Amazon)
4. Rating for your book (as in, movie rating: G, PG, PG13, R, and which ages you feel would most appreciate it)
5. Answers (no more than 50 words) to two of the following questions (include both questions in your email):
(If you're an artist, tweak the wording)
Why did you choose to self-publish?
What advice do you have for those wanting to self-publish?
What is your favorite Halloween story/movie, and why?
When did you discover your passion for writing?
What was your favorite costume as a child, and do you still dress up?
What has worked the best for you as an Indie author (when it comes to being successful)?
Several things to note:
PLEASE read these carefully! :-)
- The two stories you submit can be any length: full-length novel, novella, novelette, or short story.
- They must be self-published.
- Coupons and sales would be a great idea. Include the necessary information in your email to me (if the book is usually one price, but it'll be a different price for the promotion, etc.)
- Short stories can be in anthologies, but the anthology must be Halloween themed.
- An anthology/compilation of two full-length books would count as your two. Anything with more than two books (50,000 words each, give or take) won't be accepted. I'd suggest submitting the books separately, so you get more air time.
- If you submit more than one book, I'll put links to the other in each post.
- For each book, give me the above information. You can use the same questions/answers twice if you'd like, or you can answer two new ones for the second book.
- Tell me which order you want the books in (for example, if you have a series - let me know which is the first book).
- If you have a preference for a day, let me know, and I'll do my best to honor it (no promises, though, and first-come, first-serve). Similarly, if you'd like your days to be on back-to-back days, let me know, and I'll do my best to arrange that.
- If you include a coupon, make sure it doesn't expire until at least a week after Halloween (for late comers).
Send this post to as many authors as you can - the more who participate, the better this will be for everyone. It also goes without saying that I'd expect you to do promotion for your day - I won't be able to reach nearly as many people as all of us together.
Clear as mud? :-) Leave any questions you have in the comments below, or ask in your email to me. :-)
DEADLINE: As soon as possible!
I'm super excited!!! :-)
For those of you who'd like double exposure during the months of October and November, check out this Indie Author Event over on Facebook.